Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Sorry About Not Posting Yesterday...

I was just so damn depressed...
I'm not gonna have a job when I get out of college. I just know it.

Here are the links that explain why:

Chowder might be done for.

Cartoon Network's schedule for 2009.

An article that scares me into tears.

Just read those and you'll see why I'm so scared. You'll see why I just want to give up. Goodness. I just don't know anymore.


  1. Ahem. "less than half are *hand-drawn*" Yeah, that blows, but there are so many other options!

    You'll have to adapt - learn graphics programs, etc, but you'll still be able to do what you love!!!

    Don't worry, Javi! You're one of the only people that I know who actually knows what you want to do when you grow up (including me) :D

  2. OOOh! I like that Bobb'e kid. And.. don't fret, you're an awesome creator. I showed Andres you're clown walking and he was like, "Whoa, how does he do that?!"
