Thursday, March 19, 2009

Thursday. New Office.

It was pretty hilarious. I was laughing through-out it. The guys down at The Office do a great job on every episode they pull out. Also, there was a surprise ending that may change the whole course of the show! It is, obviously, also one of my favorite shows of all time.

There it is again... "One of my favorite shows." I always seem to say that. I got to thinking... What really ARE my favorite shows? How would I be able to tell that is my favorite show? What makes them so special? What can signify that they are in fact my favorite show?

Then I got it. A show is truly my favorite show if I would actually buy it's season's DVDs. That's when I did a mind journey... What shows do I LOVE enough to buy their DVDs too? Here's what I came up with:

  • The Office - It absolutely SLAYS me! There hasn't been an episode I hadn't laughed at. The casting on it is simply magic. I think that's one of it's strongest points.
  • Scrubs - It's found a special place in my heart. I simply cannot get enough of J.D., Turk, Carla, Cox, Kelso, Janitor and Elliot. It makes me VERY depressed that they are on their last season.
  • South Park - It's simple animation is more than enough to convey a compelling story and keep the comedy coming at full force. Definitely an American classic.
  • Futurama - The awkward sibling of the Simpsons that Matt Groening dropped out into the world proved itself to be just as, if not more, hilarious as it's older brother always supplies me the laughs. It's my sense of humor and really enjoy it every time it's on.
  • Pokémon - What can I say about this show? It's been there for me for 10 years. I can always count on it being there for me when life was too much for me. Yes. Even 10 years ago I had the mind of an old man and needed to escape this real world by watching a bunch of kinds capturing creatures and have them battle each other. LEAVE ME ALONE!
Well there you have it. These are truly my favorite programs on television that I love SO much, I would get all their seasons on DVD. AGH! Now I want to go on eBay and snatch them all up! Sigh... One can dream though... One can dream... So far I only have the first season of Futurama, all the seasons of Scrubs, and the second season of The Office. Gotta keep an eye out for the rest!

Once again... Thanks for reading! PEACE!!!

1 comment:

  1. I used to know ALL the Animaniacs songs. :) I want to see Parks and Recreation.
