Woot! Here we go! Five posts tonight!!! I hope you're all excited! Here's a rundown of what all will be covered tonight:
- Another comic from the guys from Buttersafe!
- A new album review!
- I'm gonna show a video game I love!
- A news story about the Nintendo DSi!
- My classes for Woodbury this upcoming fall semester!
Let's get started.

Yeah Yeah Yeahs - "It's Blitz"
Released March 9, 2009 on
Interscope Records
Alas... The dreaded 3rd studio album! Artist and bands that reach this place usually get there because they deserved it. Their first album was such a hit they rolled the dice and got money to get a second album. The second album is a rare success but if they make it, they can get to the scary 3rd album! Yeah Yeah Yeahs definitely deserved getting a third album.
Their first album was so gritty and "garage-y" it really caught everyone's ears and contributed to the "Rock Revival" of the 2000's.
Their second album played around with a more emotional sound. They reached a more sensitive side to their music.
On their third album, Yeah Yeah Yeahs play around a LOT more with a synthesizer, something that their kind of music doesn't really do. I was shocked when I heard so much keyboard all over this album. I'm not gonna say I don't like it. I'm also not gonna say I love it. It's sorta just... There... I'm sorry to say but I get the feeling that they are almost trying to fit the trend of current rock era... I mean even Kings of Leon abused the synth in their latest album... I was so disappointed...
Anyway, this album was pretty good. A nice range of types of songs and nice vocals from Karen. The band still sounds pretty tight after 2 albums. I did really like this new album because, even though they sound like they are copying other people, I did like that they were experimenting. I like this album but I don't recommend it to be your first Yeah Yeah Yeahs experience. Check out their first album before this one. That's just what I think though.
Here's a sample of one their songs:
"Heads Will Roll -(Live on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon)"Yeah Yeah Yeahs' - "It's Blitz" - 4 Tips of my Cap out of 5
Geometry Wars: Galaxies
Bizarre Creations &
Kuju EntertainmentPublisher:
It's fantastic! It's a retro style shooter with amazing graphics and outrageous amounts of replay value! I play it every now and then with my roommate and we never get bored from it! We usually stop playing because we got other stuff to do! I recommend this game like CRAZY! It's amazing!
Here's the sales info on the DSi's release in North America.
DSi North America's SalesAwesome info, no?! :D:D:D
I love my DSi!!
And now... The moment you've all been waiting for! It's time for the classes I'll be taking next semester!!
- Sophomore Studio 1 M W / 9:30 am - 12:00 pm
- Design Symposia - M / 12:30 pm - 1:20 pm
- The Animator as Actor - F / 1:30 pm - 4:50 pm
- Media Culture - T Thurs / 10:30 am - 11:45 am
- History of Contemporary Art - T Thurs / 9:00 am - 10:15 am
- Design and Color Elements 1 - T Thurs / 1:30 pm - 4:00 pm
- Design and Color Elements 2 - M W / 4:00 pm - 6:30 pm
And here's the info!
- A studio course in story boarding, basic character design and scene layout. Emphasis on the development, and preproduction for a short 2D traditional animation project. Topics will include story structure for short films, character and background design, staging, lighting, composition, and visual storytelling.
- Students will attend lectures, exhibitions or events exploring variety of topics in design. Both on and off campus events are encouraged.
- Grounded in the principles of improvisation, this course focuses on using the physical body of the animator to examine character creation, story telling and plot development. Students are challenged to explore their individual performance style. Scenes fro students' animated projects will be used as material for improve skits. Class sessions may be videotaped for animation reference.
- This course is designed to provide an understanding of the dynamic interactions that exist between the self, media, society, and culture. It is meant to impart a sense of the forces guiding our involvement in this nexus and the accompanying consumption of media products like books, TV, radio, and even toys. We will learn about the history of media systems directed at mass audiences, the major trends in effects research, and the general impact of the large-scale industrial production culture.
- An exploration of the issues in contemporary art. Sculpture, painting, performance art, video, mixed media, and other forms from World War II until the present will be covered, with an emphasis on current trends in the art world.
- A practical and theoretical study of the formal elements and principles of design. Formal and relational properties of line, shape, form, value, color, and texture are studied. Studio exercises using various media explore concepts of balance, harmony, repetition, rhythm, scale, proportion, time and motion in 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional organizations.
- An introductory study of the history, perception, and the application of color as it applies to design projects. Properties and effects of color relationships are studied with an emphasis on color selection and use, color psychology, and the effects of color in space and light conditions.
Oh wow... I really doubt anyone will read all of that... Oh well... It's there for ya anyway!
Well then... That's it... This was my massive Quintuple Post! Doubt you guys read it all! I'm glad I did it though. Lot's of info just for fun. If you managed to make it down here: Congrats! As always:
Thanks for Reading!