A Quadruple Post!!!
You read it right! Tonight I will be featuring:
- An explanation to you why I didn't post anything last night and I'll give you some cool proof!
- An album review!! YAY!
- Another awesome comic strip from the guys at Buttersafe!
- Some news from Marvel!
Okay so the reason I didn't post yesterday was because I had to go in to the studio here at school to work on a new project for my Animation Principles class. The assignment was to make our character's head rotate 360 degrees, 3 times, and then make then show an expression. It was basically an assignment that made us learn more about 3-Dimensional space in 2-Dimensional animation along with working on character's expressions. Well you all knew this was coming so here goes my new animation! It came out great! My teacher really liked it! Anyway, here it is!
And now for an album review....
The Avalanches - "Since I Left You"
Released November 27, 2000 on
Modular Recordings
My first review will be of The Avalanches' "Since I Left You". I think this album was VERY well put together. It features TONS of sound bites from all recorded times of media. Anything that has been recorded for anything might have been included in this album. These guys actually put all these songs together in a very wise way. It all sounds like it belongs. I really give them praise for having the feeling of how these sound bits could fit together. One thing I REALLY like about this album was that there isn't really a single song. Every track on here continues into the next one. So it's all basically one big track. I think some of you guys out there wouldn't like this because it never really gives you break from song to transition to song. There aren't really any breaks in between these songs to make them stand out from each other. Actually, I currently have them on my iPod and am listening to all my songs on there in a random order. Every time one of their songs comes on, I have no idea what I am listening to. A song would sound like it starts from, basically, a random point but actually that's how that track starts. This would be the one major flaw I can pick out in this album. These songs don't really have the ability to breathe and have life of their own. They all work together to make the entire album sound like a super track. Now I also think this is what is great about this. Because the album is all strung together like this, I feel that it can take you away to where The Avalanches want to take you: A funky fresh place where music plays with your senses and just makes you want to dance. Overall , this album is GREAT. That's just what I think though. Now, I haven't really thought about how I'm goint to be ranking these reviews... Stars? Numbers? Hmmm.... OH! I know!
Here's a sample of one of their songs:
"Frontier Psychiatrist"The Avalanches' - "Since I Left You" - 5 Tips of my Cap out of 5 (Sure it's corny and cheesy but it'll catch on.)
Looks like it's time for another hilarious comic stip from
The final post of this massive entry will be a bit of
Marvel News. Looks like some movies have been pushed back. It's not horrible news but it is a little disheartening... I wanted to watch these movies sooner! Oh well... I guess I can wait... I mean if these movies will be anything like Iron Man then at least I know I will be waiting for something fantastic!
Well then... Thanks for reading this LOOOOOOOOOOONG post. It was a bunch to read and I'm glad you guys made it all the way through. Once again...
Thanks for reading!